Episode 89: What’s That Now? The Great Regret??

So just when many of us have accepted and gotten used to the phrase, The Great Resignation, another one has emerged, and that is, The Great Regret.

What we are hearing is that a lot of people who participated in The Great Resignation are now experiencing feelings of regret – that new position they went to is a bit of a let down and not nearly as awesome as they thought it would be. Bummer.

Intriguing? Confusing? Unexpected? We get into it!

Key Takeaways:

  • Wait. Wait. Wait. Are these really “great regrets”? Or are they doubts? It is pretty common to have doubts!

  • If you are feeling doubts, gather your support people – your boosters! Remember what motivated you to make such a big decision in the first place.

  • And slow down. If you are going to make any sort of “great” decision in life, it’s probably worth putting in the time to really think about it!


Episode 90: What’s Next with Vince Sobrino, Managing Partner – Rumble Boxing


Episode 88: The Great (Fill in the Blank)