Who We Work With

How many times have you heard these two statements?
The best part of my job is the people that I work with. AND, what frustrates me most about work is the people!

This is the paradox of humans at work. And guess what? Both statements can be true.

But navigating the ups and downs of human interactions at work is not always easy. And it takes a lot of energy.

That’s where we come in! We work with:

  • Teams that aren't quite clicking or want to build stronger relationships

  • People in roles that require self-awareness and strong people skills (this is really all roles but it is especially true for client-facing roles as well as leaders and managers of all levels)

  • Flat organizations where people need to be independent, proactive, and self-aware

  • Industry associations wanting to provide skills development for their members

The Struggle is Real!

Dealing with all of the people stuff at work is hard stuff.

Here are the most common and recurring people & culture challenges our clients have told us come up for them:

  • We have a team (usually more than one) that is not gelling

  • We have employees who have developed some difficult patterns of interaction they can’t see and/or break

  • Our employees and managers are burning out

  • People are leaving

  • We shrank this year and need to figure out how to do more with less

  • We grew this year and need to make sure that our people have the skills to keep up with our growth

  • I can’t deal with any more people stuff

  • Our people:

    • Avoid speaking up or asking questions

    • Avoid having hard conversations

    • Are afraid to give feedback

    • Don’t know how to ask for feedback

    • Don’t like making decisions

    • Are asking for training

  • Our managers:

    • Would rather be doers

    • Struggle to manage their friends

    • Struggle with delegating

    • Are asking for training