Episode 33: Apply Yourself, Dammit! Part 4

Well, we thought we had a lot to say in the first three parts of this series. In part 4, Acing the Interview, we really go to town. To really do awesome in an interview, it takes work! From preparation with online research about the company to getting to the interview ON TIME to leaving the interview feeling like you nailed it, you got to do the work. We shared many laughs recording this one, and we are pretty confident we are giving you some great pro tips, too. Enjoy!

Key Takeaways:

  • Just like we said in the previous episode, remember to listen, really LISTEN to the questions you are being asked. Wait for the interviewer to finish speaking before you start answering the question. There is no need to rush! It’s okay to take a few seconds to think before you open your mouth.

  • When the interview is coming to an end and you are asked if you have any questions for the interviewers, have questions ready! One of the fastest ways to leave a poor last impression is to say you don’t have any questions. That said, make them good ones.

  • Don’t pee in the parking lot before an interview. Especially if the parking lot is in sight of the building where you are hoping to get a job. This is both gross and unnecessary. Come on, people. 


Episode 34: Can We Really Cry if We Want To?


Episode 32: Apply Yourself, Dammit! Part 3