Episode 4: We. Are. At. Work.

#metoo and #timesup have empowered people to share their experiences and situations and have amplified the need for employers to examine their workplaces to ensure that they are fair and respectful. In this episode, we share stories of workplace misconduct that we’ve come across, common reactions, and what you can do if you experience it or see it. We also talk about what you can do if you think you may have done something that could be perceived as bullying or harassment. This episode will be of interest to anyone who works with other people regardless of your role in the company.

 Key Takeaways:

  •  If you are made to feel uncomfortable, don’t do nothing. Do something.

  • There is a wide spectrum of behaviours that can be considered inappropriate. Navigating language and behaviours that historically may have been acceptable or funny can be hard.

  • Don’t overthink your behaviour. Show up as a decent human being.

 ***The title of this episode is a nod to La Donna who shares her story on the podcast, This American Life