Episode 82: Leaders Need to Show Up

We’ve talked about it before during various conversations -- the state of the world and racism, sexism, homophobia, and all the awful actions being perpetrated against people for simply being who they are have resulted in more and more businesses and organizations making efforts for equity, diversity and inclusion. 

This is important. And companies say it is important. 

And yet, it is very common that the people IN CHARGE of the business are not showing up. For sure, they have lots of responsibilities and are busy. And yet, if equity, diversity and inclusion are that important...wouldn’t they make it a priority? So, the question is, are leaders who don’t show up jerks?? Or just really, really busy?

Key Takeaways:

  • Human resources can’t do this alone! 

  • “Showing up” can mean a variety of things. Here are a few: 

    • Attend the important workshop! 

    • Be consistent with your values! 

    • Beyond talking about it...take action!

  • Leaders are going to make mistakes. Let’s give value to what they do AFTER they know they’ve made a mistake. 

Bonus Takeaway:

  • “It’s easier to solve a capacity problem than a jerk problem.” Wise words, Sarah, wise words.

Episode 62: Unpacking the WHY Behind ED&I

In this episode, we chat with our colleague and friend, Alex Goodman. Alex is an HR pro and works in the animation industry. She joins DBAJAW as a guest to have a conversation about equity, diversity and inclusion.

With ongoing and systemic anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism, including the recent murder of George Floyd, the shooting of Jacob Blake, the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor,  the police-involved death of Regis Porchinski-Porquet, the death of Joyce Equachan and, tragically, the killing of many, many more Black and Indigenous people in both the US and Canada, we are seeing a lot of workplaces react. While some organizations were already taking actions to improve equity, diversity and inclusion, we discuss how a lot MORE interest and energy are being put into this now.

Key Takeaways:

  • ED&I initiatives don’t live in a vacuum! We need to move beyond initiatives to making equity in the workplace the new systemic.

  • Avoid getting caught up in check-boxes. Commitment to ED&I is more than feeling good about diversity hires.

  • When we strive to do better with ED&I, we are going to make mistakes. Don’t let that stop us from trying.

Episode 4: We. Are. At. Work.

#metoo and #timesup have empowered people to share their experiences and situations and have amplified the need for employers to examine their workplaces to ensure that they are fair and respectful. In this episode, we share stories of workplace misconduct that we’ve come across, common reactions, and what you can do if you experience it or see it. We also talk about what you can do if you think you may have done something that could be perceived as bullying or harassment. This episode will be of interest to anyone who works with other people regardless of your role in the company.

 Key Takeaways:

  •  If you are made to feel uncomfortable, don’t do nothing. Do something.

  • There is a wide spectrum of behaviours that can be considered inappropriate. Navigating language and behaviours that historically may have been acceptable or funny can be hard.

  • Don’t overthink your behaviour. Show up as a decent human being.

 ***The title of this episode is a nod to La Donna who shares her story on the podcast, This American Life