Episode 41: The Friend Zone

How do we navigate friendships at work? Does it make a difference if you were already friends rather than if you have become new friends at work? What if there is one friend who reports into another or you simply aren’t on the same position level? We think it does make a difference! So much to discuss about friends in the workplace. And if you are an HR professional, that adds a whole other consideration into the mix! Sheesh, so complicated!

Key Takeaways:

  • Friends, or not, when you are at work, keep it professional, people!

  • As always, be mindful of and consistent with your boundaries. You can be authentically friendly at work and still keep those relationships confined to the workplace.

  • If there is a reporting dynamic, be extra conscientious of the friend zone, and the perception your co-workers may have of the situation. Perceptions matter! Even if we wish they didn’t.