Season 3 Sandy Gunn Season 3 Sandy Gunn

Episode 67: Holidaze

Most of us who have the privilege to be able to keep our jobs (and are likely working from home) during this global pandemic feel pretty damn lucky. Many who are working from home even prefer it! But with the holidays approaching, it got us thinking about the parties we are going to miss out on this year -- the ones we liked going to, and the ones, as HR, we hated planning. This year, it is a different conversation and it goes something like this: how are we, as leaders, supposed to create meaningful conditions of connection this year? How do we celebrate together without overwhelming each other? What kind of connection do our people need or expect? Great. This planning seems EVEN harder than chicken, fish or vegan!

Key Takeaways:

  • Find ways to provide different options for people to participate, so it’s not simply another large virtual gathering. Maybe it’s an opportunity to try something new that always got ex-nayed in the past.

  • If you are organizing a company holiday activity, make it truly optional! That also means no judgy judgerson if employees don’t show up.

  • As the pandemic and the safety protocols have continued, we just may miss the holiday party more than we anticipated. Bah, COVIDbug.

Holiday Bonus Takeaway:

  • Sarah makes delicious Nanaimo Bars!! She uses sea salt on the top...amazing!

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Season 3 Sandy Gunn Season 3 Sandy Gunn

Episode 65: Don't Make Me (m)Ask You Again!

In this episode, we are visiting the topic of the pandemic, again. Because, let’s be real, it’s our reality! And it significantly impacts E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

We are so happy to have a guest with us...someone whose job has really morphed as a result of COVID-19. Sara Martin joins us to speak about what it’s been like to take on the responsibility of COVID safety protocols in the workplace. Co-workers commit (mostly unintentional) COVID jerky offenses, and then the COVID officer feels like a jerk having to call them out on them! It feels like a bit of a lose-lose scenario! Sheesh. All that to say that, over the past several months, whether it be about masks or hand-washing, Sara has been overheard saying, oh, just a few times, “Don’t make me ask you again!” 

Key Takeaways:

  • Because this, the pandemic, is a new experience, every decision may feel awkward! And you might feel uncomfortable because you don’t know the answers. These are normal feelings!

  • Adaptability is the name of the game. Be ready to pivot quickly and frequently.

  • It’s okay to cry, and cry often. extra one for this episode:

  • Being the “COVID officer” is an important job! And yet, it doesn’t always get a ton of enthusiastic, sincere gratitude. So, to all people doing this work in workplaces...THANK YOU!!!!!

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Season 3 Sandy Gunn Season 3 Sandy Gunn

Episode 61: You Can't Mask a Jerk!

We’re back! We’ve taken a summer break and we are, at the start of season THREE! 

Before we get into our real talk, we have an update to how we are trying things this season: we are going to be releasing episodes every other week, with the occasional longer break over the course of the whole year. 

We are kicking things off with at least one tradition -- a conversation about ETIQUETTE. This time, it’s specifically about COVID-19 etiquette and work!

Key Takeaways:

  • Masks are a good reminder that we are in a pandemic. They help to ensure physical distancing because it makes us remember that we shouldn’t get too close to each other!

  • A good thing that has come out of living and working in the current climate, people are asking for consent a lot more. Entering offices, elevators, touching someone else’s computer, etc. We hope this increase in consent-asking continues and spreads!

  • Another positive is people expressing appreciation more often. Co-workers are recognizing the effort being put in by the support teams and by people in roles that don’t always get as much gratitude. Thank you!

Bonus Takeaway: if you are looking to go to a brewery, Red Truck has done an AMAZING job with their COVID protocols! Shout out to Red Truck. :) And, their beer is delicious.

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Season 2 Sandy Gunn Season 2 Sandy Gunn

Episode 55: It's a Sign!

Are signs in the workplace really effective? How can we communicate to colleagues that we don’t like their behaviour without coming across as a jerk ourselves? Heads up! We have a deep discussion about farting at work. This episode is a real gas!

Key Takeaways:

  • Before posting a sign, consider: is the message really for EVERYONE? Or could this be a more direct conversation with a specific person?

  • Too many signs may result in people reading NONE of the signs.

  • The sign may have the opposite effect and the offender will do the offending behaviour even more. Look out for the backfire!

Bonus Takeaway:

  • Do not go into a pool if you have active diarrhea. Enough said.

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Season 2 Sandy Gunn Season 2 Sandy Gunn

Episode 44: What's Your Intention?

Many companies have a tradition of creating funny videos, skits, or events as part of their corporate fun. Earlier this year, Manulife Financial issued a public apology for what they are calling a, “spoof rap video that was part of the executive team’s year-end message.” (Link below) This was an internal video that was retracted after some employees said that they were offended by it. 

This got us thinking, and talking, obviously -- what do you do when activities and programs at work, even when well-intended, are called out as offensive?

Key Takeaways:

  • Just because only 10% of the organization feels offended, doesn’t mean that it’s okay. This isn’t a “majority rules” kind of situation. 

  • Lead with curiosity! If you are organizing company activities and someone tells you they are offended, ask for more info. You may have had the best of intentions and you still missed the mark.

  • Check your eye roll! Sure, in some cases, you may feel super frustrated that someone tells you they are offended...but be aware of your own reactions and try to be honest with yourself about where they come from.

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Season 2 Sandy Gunn Season 2 Sandy Gunn

Episode 41: The Friend Zone

How do we navigate friendships at work? Does it make a difference if you were already friends rather than if you have become new friends at work? What if there is one friend who reports into another or you simply aren’t on the same position level? We think it does make a difference! So much to discuss about friends in the workplace. And if you are an HR professional, that adds a whole other consideration into the mix! Sheesh, so complicated!

Key Takeaways:

  • Friends, or not, when you are at work, keep it professional, people!

  • As always, be mindful of and consistent with your boundaries. You can be authentically friendly at work and still keep those relationships confined to the workplace.

  • If there is a reporting dynamic, be extra conscientious of the friend zone, and the perception your co-workers may have of the situation. Perceptions matter! Even if we wish they didn’t.

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Season 2 Sandy Gunn Season 2 Sandy Gunn

Episode 37: Minisode - Bah Humbug!

It’s that time of year when Christmas shows up at the workplace. If you like Christmas, it means this could be a real high point of the year! If you don’t have any interest in Christmas, it could mean you are considered a Christmas jerk...a grinch. In this minisode, we talk about how to be true to yourself during the holiday season and not be a jerk at work...even if you really prefer to say, “Bah, humbug!”

Key Takeaways:

  • If you aren’t keen to go to the company holiday party, and you think you may be expected to be there, rather than simply no-showing, talk to your boss beforehand. 

  • Why would you ever want to crash your former company’s Christmas party??? Just don’t.

  • It’s also just a really good guideline to NEVER GIVE LINGERIE OR A GIFT CERTIFICATE TO A LINGERIE SHOP as a Secret Santa gift. You’re welcome.

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Season 2 Sandy Gunn Season 2 Sandy Gunn

Episode 25: To Gift or Not to Gift

To gift or not to gift? That is the question the ladies disagree about, I mean, discuss in this week’s episode of Don’t Be A Jerk At Work. And oooooooohhhh, the drama of it all. It’s absolutely Shakespearean! 

Key Takeaways: 

  • It’s okay not to participate in office gift giving! 

  • It’s okay to participate in office gift giving! 

  • Most importantly, try not to bow to the pressure - do what feels right for you and just don’t be a jerk about it.

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Season 2 Sandy Gunn Season 2 Sandy Gunn

Episode 24: Sharing is Caring

Authenticity, vulnerability, accessibility, connectivity, all the ‘ity’s’! Showing up at work with these traits can definitely lead to a more engaged work culture. However, is there a line? If so, where is it? And, how does being authentic intersect with being a jerk? Or, hopefully, not being a jerk? In this episode, we ask ourselves these questions and more about what it means to show up “as yourself” in the workplace. Oh, and we dig into crying at work, too! 

Key Takeaways: 

  • If you want to see more authenticity and vulnerability at work, you’ve got to model that behaviour yourself.

  • Pay attention to who’s in the room when you are sharing and note their responses (verbal and body language). AKA know your audience.

  • No sex talk at work. Ever.

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Season 2 Sandy Gunn Season 2 Sandy Gunn

Episode 22: Personal Space

After last week's toilet episode, we thought we'd keep the personal space conversation going. This time, we're talking about the pros and cons of open floor plans in the workplace. How does boundary setting work when the vast majority of people are rubbing elbows side by side on the floor? How do people be authentic when some people are naturally boisterous and others like library-level quiet?  

Key Takeaways:

  • Before asking someone for a 5-minute convo at work, check the time! Are they just arriving and need time to settle in? Are they about to leave?

  • Before jumping into a convo happening near you, wait...were you just eavesdropping?

  • Sandy doesn't like open office workspaces!

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Season 2 Sandy Gunn Season 2 Sandy Gunn

Episode 21: When Your Workplace is in the Toilet

We’re back! Like we started our first season, we thought it would be a good way to kick things off by discussing etiquette at work...this time, in the bathroom. Honestly, we really didn’t expect to have so much to say on this topic. And yet, we sure did. From hand washing (or lack of!) to toilet seat position to the classic pee everywhere situation, we discuss that the work toilets, just like everywhere else, need to be a jerk-free zone. Have a listen and we’ll help you to not flush your career down the drain.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wear shoes in the bathroom!

  • Remember not everyone is up for a bathroom conversation. 

  • Leave it in better shape than how you found it, like you are trying to impress someone you like. Fancy.

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Season 1 Sandy Gunn Season 1 Sandy Gunn

Episode 17: Psst...Have You Heard?

This episode was inspired by a Harvard Business Review article titled, “Stop Complaining About Your Colleagues Behind Their Backs.” The premise of the article is that most people engage in workplace gossip without realizing that it is gossip. As well, conversations with seemingly innocent intentions like confirming performance behaviour or venting can also turn into gossip. On this episode, we talk about gossip in the workplace, why it happens, the impact it has on organizations and teams, and how to engage in more productive and effective conversations with your colleagues.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ask yourself, “Why are you talking about this person in the first place and why did you choose to do so with this person in particular?”

  • Pay attention to how a conversation makes you feel; if you’re getting an icky feeling, it’s probably not a useful conversation.

  • If you are going to expend the energy to gossip, you might want to consider using that energy to figure out a more effective way to let someone know how you are feeling, ask a question, or fill in the blanks.

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Season 1 Sandy Gunn Season 1 Sandy Gunn

Episode 13: Office Love

This is our first episode topic suggested by a few different listeners. They asked: How do you navigate a new romantic relationship between two existing employees?

In this episode, we talk about some of the things you should think about if you are dating someone at work or are considering dating someone at work, provide tips for keeping it professional, and share how to navigate a romantic relationship at work if you are the boss and someone has just disclosed to you that they are dating a co-worker.

Key Takeaways:

  • Office relationships will happen. And, they can work.

  • Work is work so keep it professional. You are two independent people at work; not one unit.

  • Take a moment and really consider if it is worth it to engage in a romantic relationship at work.

  • Don’t have sex at work. Ever.

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Season 1 Sandy Gunn Season 1 Sandy Gunn

Episode 5: User Your Egg Noggin!

It's December and for a lot of people, that means an office holiday party to look forward to. Or not.

In this episode, we get into the good, the bad, and the ugly of the office holiday party. We share real life examples of office party jerks and we give you our top tips & takeaways to avoid being "that" person at your office holiday party (and any other office function). Hint: it is not okay to kick your CEO in the butt while he is standing at a urinal.

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