Episode 66: No Pressure (Guardian Series)

We mentioned at the beginning of the season that we are trying some new things! We are excited to introduce our DBAJAW Guardian series where we focus on the perspectives of future business and HR professionals. We call them the guardians because they are the next generation that will strive to keep the jerkiness down at work. Goooo guardians!

We are also excited to share the mic with our first guardian, Christie Sage Reddy. Christie is a current student in the human resources program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and she was brave enough to sit down and have a conversation with us about how she’s feeling about embarking on her HR career. (Thanks for joining us, Christie!)

It’s been a minute (okay, a lot of years) since we started our careers and it is safe to say that there are a lot of things that a) we don’t remember and b) have completely changed. That said, one feeling that might be consistent across generations is the PRESSURE to find that first career job. Oof.

Key Takeaways:

  • While a first job may not be perfect, it’s highly likely that there is still something to be gained from the experience. (As long as it isn’t a terrible workplace!)

  • It’s not just about the right job, it’s about the right company, too! Does the company have values that align with yours? And then the company needs to actually follow through on them.

  • Keep goals in mind! Reflect. Ask yourself: in a year from now, will this opportunity have taken you closer to your goals? (Also note, your goals are likely to change over time!!)


Episode 67: Holidaze


Episode 65: Don't Make Me (m)Ask You Again!