Episode 59: Who do you BE?
WHAT do you want to be when you grow up? Or, what do you want to DO when you grow up? This is a classic question that, probably, many of us have been asked in our lives. What if the question was different? Rather, WHO do you BE? Take the focus off the what, and really make a bigger deal about WHO we want to BE.
How much does this version of the questions make us pause and really reflect? In this episode's conversation, we see we really have a lot in common when we look at who each of us are striving to be.
Key Takeaways:
Pause, take a moment and think, “Who do I want to be in this moment?” Will that prevent some jerky behaviours?
Traveling...the great re-start! It’s like you get to be a fresh version of yourself!
Dr. Bonnie Henry. Wow. She is really showing us another style of leadership. She is showing up as who she is. What an inspiration. You be YOU, Dr. Henry! Thank you!
Episode 48: Attention Attention
A few episodes ago we conversed about emotional intelligence and how developing a high EQ may help us to reduce some jerky behaviours. Continuing on that thread, this week, we are talking about paying attention and noticing the people and work being done around us. If we intentionally tune in, do we notice things differently? If we want to be better workplace humans, what are the things we need to be noticing?
Key Takeaways:
Three questions to ask ourselves:
How do I want to show up today?
How did I show up today?
How do I know? (Did I leave the impression I thought I did??)
Reflect back on some feedback you’ve received; take stock and identify what might be areas for you to focus on for professional development. It might even be something you are already good at and you can get even better at!
Make sure we don’t only notice the negative stuff. Make an effort to notice the good work people are doing, too!
Episode 29: The Value of Values
Many of us are familiar with company values (you’ve seen them on your corporate website, marketing materials, or maybe you know them off by heart) but few of us think about our personal values and how they show up for us at work. In this episode, we talk about our core values, how they influence who we are at work, how they affect how we interpret situations, and what you can do if someone rubs up against your core values.
Key Takeaways
Values are valuable! Be true to yours and you can still learn about others.
Values anchor us and act as guide posts; they help with decision making…what you want to move toward and what you want to move away from.