Episode 48: Attention Attention

A few episodes ago we conversed about emotional intelligence and how developing a high EQ may help us to reduce some jerky behaviours. Continuing on that thread, this week, we are talking about paying attention and noticing the people and work being done around us. If we intentionally tune in, do we notice things differently? If we want to be better workplace humans, what are the things we need to be noticing?

Key Takeaways:

  • Three questions to ask ourselves:

    • How do I want to show up today?

    • How did I show up today?

    • How do I know? (Did I leave the impression I thought I did??)

  • Reflect back on some feedback you’ve received; take stock and identify what might be areas for you to focus on for professional development. It might even be something you are already good at and you can get even better at!

  • Make sure we don’t only notice the negative stuff. Make an effort to notice the good work people are doing, too!


Episode 49: Imposter Syndrome, What a Poser!


Episode 47: Play Nice With Others