Leadership Pulse Check
Why Feeling Like a Leader Matters
When people feel like leaders, they act like leaders, and a lot of the interpersonal work challenges lessen considerably. Leaders blame less, step into responsibility more, speak up, and actually have the hard conversations that need to be had.
How easy or (or difficult) is it for your employees to show up as the leaders they want to be at work?
We have created a Leadership Pulse Check to help you answer that question. You will learn:
How your employees see themselves as leaders
What gets in the way of them showing up as leaders
What they would like to be different
How they learn best
What practical learning options will meet them where they are at
30-minute needs analysis meeting.
Communication templates to use when introducing the pulse check and the process to your employees.
Survey customization. Questions may be added and language may be edited to suit your culture and your needs.
Survey administration.
Report on results and practical leadership development recommendations.
60-minute client debrief meeting.
Up to 30 people $1,497 + GST
$25 + GST per additional person