Episode 57: The Gift of Asking for What You Need

These days, if you are fortunate to be healthy and working, you are probably working from home. If you are a boss, you have likely discovered that a “management by walking around style” doesn’t work as well during a pandemic. And, if you are an employee, it has likely meant that you need to take more responsibility for “being seen” and asking for what you need. But are you asking for too much? What is too much? When does asking for what you need start becoming “needy?”

Key Takeaways:

  • Many of us are scared to ask for what we need. To overcome that fear, consider:

    • What will be different if I ask for what I need or ask to be supported differently?

    • What will happen if I continue keeping it to myself?

    • How would I feel if someone asked me for the same help/compassion we are asking of them?

  • Challenge your own perceptions of why you might see someone as “needy”

  • It’s a gift to help someone. And it’s a gift to allow someone to help us!